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Updated: Jun 6, 2024   |   Fergal Glynn

Navigating Employee Data Privacy with Scoped Investigations

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In an era where digital boundaries are continuously blurred, the sanctity of employee data privacy has emerged as a paramount concern. As remote work, device diversity (think managed and unmanaged), and flexible hours become the norm, safeguarding personal data within the workplace is not just a compliance necessity but a cornerstone of ethical business practice. We announced Scoped Investigations in 2023 and want to provide a deeper view into the problems it solves, how it solves those problems, and the benefits to the organization in this post. 

Workplace Data Privacy: A Growing Challenge


Employees are concerned that their data is used in the workforce without their consent

The modern workplace is no longer confined to office walls or standard hours. With this evolution comes an amplified concern for employee data privacy. A staggering 72% of employees, as reported by Forrester, are apprehensive about their personal data being utilized in workforce analytics without consent. Gartner underscores this, listing "Tackling employee data privacy" among their Future Trends of Work research. These statistics are a clarion call for organizations to reassess their data privacy policies.


The Risks of Ignoring Employee Privacy

Ignoring employee privacy concerns can lead to legal repercussions, ethical dilemmas, and a significant erosion of trust between employers and employees. A breach in employee trust can ripple out, affecting morale, productivity, and even employee retention.


Scoped Investigations: A Solution


Reveal uses role-based access controls to preserve employee privacy during investigations.

Scoped Investigations, a capability within the Reveal Platform, is designed to address employee data privacy concerns head-on. It represents a paradigm shift in accessing and analyzing employee activity data. 

The Scoped Investigations capability is predicated on time-bounding and restricting access to data. Investigators are granted access only after thorough vetting, ensuring a legitimate need. Moreover, a pseudonymization feature redacts personal identifiers (“PII”), allowing for impartiality and privacy in investigations.

Put together, these features strike a delicate balance, enabling security professionals to perform comprehensive investigations without encroaching on employee privacy. Real-world examples, such as investigating potential insider threats, illustrate its efficacy and necessity.

Enhancing Employee Trust and Experience


The quality of customer experience is directly influenced by employee experience.

When employees trust that their personal data is protected, it positively influences their work experience and overall morale. This trust is a foundational element of a healthy workplace culture.  There's an undeniable link between satisfied employees and high-quality customer experiences. A secure and respectful data environment contributes significantly to this cycle of positivity. By mitigating insider risk, Scoped Investigations not only assist organizations in adhering to data protection laws but also play a crucial role in eliminating biases from security processes. Scoped Investigations not only assist organizations in adhering to data protection laws but also play a crucial role in eliminating biases from security processes.

Empowering Modern Business Ethics: Scoped Investigations as the Cornerstone of Employee Data Privacy

Employee data privacy is not a trend but a fundamental aspect of modern business ethics and practice. Scoped Investigations by Next DLP’s Reveal Platform emerges not just as a solution but as a necessary evolution in how we protect and respect our most valuable asset – our employees. For organizations looking to fortify their data privacy while enhancing employee trust, Scoped Investigations is an indispensable tool.

Learn more about Reveal with an ‎on-demand demo.


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